Here are Some of the Best Bondage Punishment Ideas
BDSM bondage games can be a great means of letting go and being submissive to your sexual partner. Despite how limiting bondage games sounds, it is very freeing and can improve your sex life tenfold. You can use several forms of restraint in BDSM, including the use of rope, tape, and cuffs, that make taking your partner to bed even more exciting. BDSM bondage creates a full-on sensual experience like no other, and with a wide variety of different bondage games available to try, it's a practice that you're unlikely to get bored of. Read on to find out how to experience erotica like never, thanks to bondage games.
What are the Best Punishments for Submissives?

When discussing the best bondage punishment ideas in this article, we will be discussing the two roles involved in BDSM: the submissive and the dominant. These roles have many different alternative names: the dominant is sometimes referred to as the master, the mistress, the top, or the sadist; the submissive, on the other hand, is sometimes referred to as the slave, the property, the bottom, and the masochist. A person who likes to be both on the submissive and the dominant side of BDSM is called the switch.
'Punishing' the submissive is one of the best ways to feel sensual pleasure during BDSM, both for the dominant, who gets pleasure out of administering the punishment, and for the submissive, who derives their pleasure from receiving the pain. Although BDSM needs to be a consensual practice, you should, as the dominant, aim to make 'punishing' and 'disciplining' the submissive as convincing as possible for both parties to feel the most amount of pleasure as possible during your bondage games.
The most obvious and most well-known means of bondage games in BDSM is, of course, spanking. Spanking is one of the most simple and easy ways of creating a sense that you are disciplining the submissive. You could force them over your lap and start hitting them on different parts of their body – perhaps aim for a part you know for sure is particularly sensitive to your partner. You could also choose not to spank them as a punishment. This way, you are effectively teasing them and will have them gagging for it by the time you finally decide to start the bondage game.
Another one of the more popular punishments for submissives would be to get a leash involved, tie it around their neck, and force them to walk around like a dog. This BDSM punishment is symbolically degrading and works to effectively assert your dominance over the submissive, who in turn will lap up the idea of being controlled to this extent. You could further take this bondage game by making them eat off the floor or forcing them into doing certain sexual chores. It's not for everyone, but some BDSM aficionados like to implement a golden shower into their bondage game, which is the ultimate means of putting down your submissive, punishing them, and removing their dignity completely.
You could assert your dominance further during the bondage game by only letting them pleasure themselves on your word – tie their hands together at a certain point, perhaps when they are on the point of orgasm, which will leave them in a state of suspense and will make the climax of your BDSM session even more orgasmic when you allow them to finish off.
Suppose you're feeling particularly sadistic during your BDSM session. In that case, you could harm them in creative ways other than spanking, such as pouring hot wax over their particularly sensitive parts, but be very careful with this, as this can seriously harm them if you have never done BDSM or bondage games before. Other, safer means of dripping stimulation while practicing BDSM include cold water and ice, which can really get your partner turned on when they are tied up.
Where to Start with Bondage Sex Games

Bondage games can be great fun and can be just what your relationship needs to revitalize your sexual desire for one another. However, the concept of bondage games can be particularly difficult for newbies to wrap their heads around, but it is partly to do with this mystique that makes bondage games so appealing to many people who like BDSM.
The aim of good bondage games is basically to get you on the edge of climaxing through the implementation of a variety of fetishes, kinks, and sex toys. When you think of bondage games, you often think of people being tied up, however, blindfolds also play a massive part. They obscure the submissive's view, allowing the dominant to surprise them sexually in ways they don't see coming. To get the most out of bondage sex games, you've got to think, as the dominant of the BDSM game, of means of making the submissive lose control of their senses. If they can't see you or they can't control what you are doing to them, you are likely to evoke a sexual response in them that is unlike any other in BDSM.
To make your BDSM game convincing, you've really got to try to go all the way with removing the submissive's sense of control. You've got to be dominant and leave room for the submissive to feel in control. The blindfold must stay on the submissive's face for the duration of the BDSM session.
Several enjoyable blindfolded bondage sex games are great to try if you are only just getting into bondage. Using the blindfold gives you a real sense of what BDSM is all about and is essentially the gateway in the world of bondage games.
Once the submissive is tied up, all you need is a blindfold to get to work on getting them turned on. You could kiss them all over, in both the erogenous areas but also body parts that they would not expect you to go for. Using a mixture of blindfolds and ropes allows you to keep them on their toes, as they have no idea what you're going to do next. The element of surprise is the best way of making BDSM work.
There are several other sex games in BDSM you could play with your blindfolded partner, including making them search for you. This is good from a sadistic point of view, as it can be a big turn-on for some dominants to watch their partner struggle to do something.
Blindfolds is an easy means to get comfortable with the concept of bondage, so you can later move on to bigger means of turning each other on with BDSM. Blindfolds build a sense of trust and can help your partner get comfortable with the idea of you being in control of them. You should aim to progress your BDSM repertoire at an easy pace, though, and don't jump to such games involving whips, knives, or breath-holding without first getting comfortable with blindfolds, sex toys, and being tied up.
Other good entry-level BDSM games include roleplay, where you pretend not to know each other, and chastity, where you don't please them at all and instead make them beg for it.
Some More BDSM Bondage Games

Bondage doesn't always have to be one-sided: it doesn't only have to be about one person getting all the pleasure while the other simply administers it. However, this is sometimes exactly what people enjoy about it.
Several bondage sex games in BDSM will get both parties turned on in equal measures and will surely have both parties climaxing simultaneously if they so desired. For example, one that is really good for people who feel as though they are a switch to BDSM, that they like to be both the giver and receiver, you could play a simple coin flicking game to determine who goes submissive and who goes dominant. If you both want equal amounts of shots of each role, set a timer to maybe 3 minutes max, and then switch over. This will keep the BDSM session equal and get you both turned on and on the same level. This bondage sex game also keeps the energy levels of both parties high, as the dominant gets a regular break every few minutes, which is ideal if you want the bondage to last a long time.
'You move you lose' is a fun game that tests the submissives' mental strength and another game that is ideal for those who identify as a switch during BDSM. The dominant one delivers a sensual experience for the submissive, during which the submissive must remain completely still. As soon as they move, they lose the game, and the roles need to be swapped over. If you know your partner inside out and know what to do to their bodies to get them turned on, they'll stand no chance of keeping composure and won't be able to help themselves from moving. This can be a fun, competitive game that's a lot more challenging than it sounds. It'll have your partner gagging for it, especially if they keep coming close to climaxing but move at the last minute.
For dominant players, you could make a fun game out of controlling remote control vibrators that you can turn on when your partner least expects it. You could even combine this with the 'you laugh you lose' game we mentioned before, except maybe implementing a punishment if they move while keeping control of the vibrator. If you're feeling adventurous, some BDSM aficionado couples go public with this remote control game, whereby they go to a public space with the vibrator still close to their genitals, and the dominant one turns it on and off at random intervals. Similarly, the submissive needs to keep a straight face to win the game.
If you're lacking creativity or don't like the sound of any of the BDSM games mentioned above, you could look into buying a BDSM board game, as there is plenty on the market, which gives you direct ideas on ways to pleasure one another with bondage games. These bondage games will likely have a long list of fetishes and bondage instructions that you won't have thought about and are an easy way to structure your BDSM session so that both parties get equally sexually satisfied.