How Many Homosexuals Are in the World? Here’s Our Assessment
Although those identifying as heterosexual make up the vast majority of the population, the total has decreased slightly in recent years. For instance, according to the Office for National Statistics in the UK, the figures for the straight demographic was around 94.4% in 2012, altering to 93.2% by 2017. Over the same five-year period, the proportion of the population identifying as gay or bisexual increased, from 1.5% to 2%. Other interesting feedback revealed males were more likely to identify as being gay or bisexual (2.3% compared to 1.8% for females).
By region, people living in the capital city, London, were more likely to admit to this background than those living in the provinces. It is probably reasonable to assume these trends are reflected elsewhere in Western society, especially in nations having the most progressive and secular notions of gender equality. Certain countries in Africa or Asia, especially those with a predominantly Muslim population, will be less forward-thinking, and individuals here may be less likely to state their true outlook for fear of discrimination. Having said that, there are strong drives towards LGBTQ rights across the world, as discrimination is outlawed by United Nations Human Rights legislation.
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How many homosexuals are there in the world?
Someone famously said that around 10% of the people on the planet are gay. Taking the Western average of around 2%, the truth about the number of homosexuals in the world is likely to be lower than that estimate. Except that a new definition has entered the lexicon of relationships in recent years – gender fluid. If society was traditionally partitioned along fairly rigid lines, depending on whether individuals ticked the box that stated straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, or trans, nowadays there are far more categories for people to choose from. This flexibility means there might be people who have ga tendencies, but who might also be open to bisexual encounters.
If you are keen to strike up a rapport with someone from the LGBTQ community, the good news is that there are so many outlets catering to people sharing your tastes. Traditionally faced with far less choice than the vast majority of the population who were straight, gays often had to rely on a smattering of social outlets catering to their community. Much as many of these arenas represented bold and exciting places for socializing, they were somewhat sparse, compared with the array of choice awaiting straight individuals embarking on a search for weekend fun!
But the avenue that more and more LGBTQ people are now using to pursue relationships is digital dating. There are now so many websites dedicated to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and trans partnerships, if this is the type of connection you are keen to forge, you will find yourself spoiled for choice.
- You can easily get into dating internationally-based gay individuals or bisexual singles.
- Online dating is one activity where ethnic, religious, or political boundaries no longer exist. When you sign up to a website and begin interacting with the other LGBTQ singles, there is every chance you could find yourself getting into intimate chats with someone from a different city, or a different timezone.
- Advances in technology mean that language is no barrier when it comes to conversing with site members who might not share English as their first language. You can use translation software that will allow you to translate messages.
- The more you connect with someone from a different cultural background, the greater your understanding will grow. As well as stoking a romantic attraction, you could have your very own language tutor!
- How about planning a get-together in the real world? After you have spent some time developing a real sense of chemistry, you could chat with your new LGBTQ contact, discussing the possibilities of meeting up somewhere for a weekend break. If they happen to be from somewhere on the other side of the world, you could have a lot of fun making suggestions for your rendezvous point.
- When you did eventually meet up, perhaps in a sunny part of the world midway between your home settings, you could have a lot of fun exploring LGBTQ activities.
Stats That Reveal How Many LGBT People Live in America
One of the reasons these outlets are so popular for dating these days is that they are so convenient to use. If you are an LGBTQ individual who has been tempted to try out a dating outlet but just hasn't got round to it yet, perhaps you have friends who have already taken the plunge and are always suggesting you join in the fun? Here's what you can expect if you are a newbie when it comes to digital matchmaking.
- There are so many sites to choose from, you can spend some time checking out what’s on offer. Most of these sites offer free registration, so you can take the opportunity to look into the functionality on offer before deciding which particular outlet would be best suited.
- Signing up can be accomplished in a matter of minutes. You will generally be presented with a straightforward application form, containing fields that ask about your name, email contact, and your location.
- Once you have completed these details, algorithms built into the dating site will ensure your information gets matched with other members. If there are areas where you appear to have interests that overlap, these will be flagged up.
- A common aspect that helps towards creating these ‘algorithm matches’ will be based on your current location. The software built into the LGBTQ dating site will be able to focus on this information, presenting you with a shortlist of those singles living closest to you. While this is not necessarily an indication they will be perfect for you personality-wise, it’s certainly a cool ice-breaker. The chances are you will already have a lot of stuff in common. You might be able to chat about the gay bars or nightclubs you love to visit, or favorite coffee shops or bookshops where you could arrange to hang out.
- If you would prefer to get to know the other site users under your own steam, you can also go down this route. The algorithms are meant to provide some broad guidance, given that many of these LGBTQ websites have memberships that can run into thousands – even millions for the longer-standing examples.
- You can take your time browsing through the personal profiles, keeping an eye out for photos of the site members that appeal to you. You can also sift through the background details of these charming individuals, looking for people who have interesting hobbies, or activities they love to participate in.
- Take these details on board. When you come across someone who causes your pulse to quicken, you can 'like' their profile, or send them a message via the website's secure communication channel. Because you will already know a little bit about their background, you will have topics to chat about as you get to know them.
This is how easy it can be to develop a rapport with another member of an LGBTQ website. Soon this can develop into a real sense of chemistry. In no time, you will be arranging hot dates in the real world.
The Truth About How Many Homosexuals There Are in America

If you happen to live in one of the 50 states and are looking for an eligible gay, lesbian, bi, or trans person in your neighborhood, the good news is there are many outlets where you will be able to socialize. The only issue with offline settings, such as singles bars, or drag shows, or any of the other outlets popular as meeting places is these have had to close down in recent months due to the worldwide pandemic placing restrictions on busy locations. This is where LGBTQ online dating has taken off.
Perhaps you have already been taking advantage of a digital dating site aimed at gay singles. How has that been going so far? If you've already been able to connect with a cross-section of hunky guys, luscious lesbians, beautiful bisexuals, or tasty transsexuals, depending on your preference, how would you like to pick up some tips about meeting even more charming individuals? Here are some tips towards ensuring you give yourself maximum exposure and stand out from the crowd on these popular dating outlets.
Steps towards writing a killer profile
- Focus on interesting aspects of your background. Profiles shouldn't simply be an exhaustive list of your achievements, like some dull CV. One thing you have to bear in mind is that many LGBTQ site users will have a relatively short attention span, so if they alight on a personal profile that doesn't grab them immediately, they will swiftly move on. To highlight the most exciting points. Summarize your character as succinctly as possible. The person reading this should be able to make a snap judgment about whether or not they'd like to find out more about you in a matter of seconds.
- Now let's look at that profile photo. Is this a selfie you took? It may well present you in a favorable light, giving a broad grin, and giving a hint of your vivacious personality. But the trouble with selfies is that everyone is taking them these days. You don't want your profile image – the first impression other site users will get when they arrive at your page – to look the same as a social media page. Always think about ways of standing out from the crowd.
- A much better option than a selfie would be to find a decent portrait of yourself to post. Get a friend to take a photo, carefully posed, and preferably taken with a good, high-definition camera. Never consider doctoring this in any way – some site users have been known to take advantage of software like PhotoShop to remove excess wrinkles, in a misguided attempt to take a couple of years off their image! But just imagine a new partner's shock and feeling of being let down if this were to happen, and you were to eventually meet in the real world and look nothing like the image they'd fallen for?!
- Lastly, ensure there are no background distractions. You want LGBTQ site users to focus on you!