How to look really hot and breathtaking

Looking hot is not an inherent thing nor hereditary. No single person can lay claim to being born with it. Either you decide to go natural or include some artificial, you have to learn it. Knowing how to look hot is an art that needs to be mastered and modeled to achieve that breathtaking look. If you see someone out there and get stunned by their appearance, you need to take a second look and know that something is involved. And that which is involved is relentless work and their determination to look hot to both genders.
To achieve this hotness, you need to work on lots of things. The most essential and the first which will serve as the basis is your mindset. If you don't have the right mindset to looking stunning, all other things you put in place might eventually fail. To have an astounding appearance for ladies especially is the thing of the mind, then other things will fall in with it.
You should also know about having a blazing appearance because it has all to do with how you feel within yourself. Also, the way you carry yourself and present yourself has its role to play.
Unfailing tips to look sexy

Many ladies rely solely on what they see on TV series and movies without getting the right knowledge of staying and looking hot. Wearing the sexiest cloth may not make you look hot; even twirling your hair may not work out if you fail to have the proper understanding of what hotness entails and the right thing to do. You will find yourself messing things up. Knowing how to look hot has more to it than just dressing up, throwing your hair down, and using a mix of colors on your face. Here are some tips to help you learn how to look hot to help you out with time if it is properly mastered.
- Have your worth: this is essential when we talk about having the feelings within and let them flows out. What you don't create in you, you can display it for others to see. In doing this, you must have self-love then other things will work out. Build on your self-respect and confidence, think about how worthy you are, and make it known. If you can create this, no matter what you put on or how you put it on, you will command some kind of attention you never thought of.
- Create time for yourself: one way to look blazingly hot is to have time for yourself. Taking time for yourself, you will use that to focus on your body, washing and setting your hair, shaving your legs, and some other hairy parts of your body. Do things necessary for yourself like reading books and making some self-skill improvement. You need to make a good presentation to yourself before showing it to others.
- Have glowing skin: this is very important in looking hot and sexy. A rough skin look won't make your hotness stand out. To get glowing skin, you need to follow some basic things that will help your skin. One of those things is to take some supplements like omega-3, vitamins, and minerals. It will help your skin glow; your hair maintain its softness and growth, your nails will also benefit from it. Hydrating also makes a good impact on the glowing of the skin. You will need to take lots of water daily. For effectiveness, drink lots of water early morning and night. You can add some sweetness like lemon to it if you find it difficult to take it ordinarily.
- Meditate: as it has been said earlier, being hot comes from within and then flows out. One way to make it takes place within you is to take some time out to refresh your memory and get stress out of your head and mind. During the day, you can go for a walk or go to a cool environment where you can breathe in and out. You will be able to get your mind and energy together and have a positive thought about yourself and your looks.
- Rest as when due: do not deny yourself some good sleep if you don't want to look pale, weak and your eyes throbbing. Good rest gets you refreshed.
How to look effortlessly hot

With the popular saying that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. True, it is. But do you know that there are some looks that no beholder can resist? Such hotness is something that surpasses what can be described. There is quite a difference between being beautiful, naturally or artificially, and being hot. You can be beautiful without being hot. When you get the two matched together, you will become irresistible to any beholder. You will not only become irresistible but, you will also command some respect. That is why it was previously mentioned that hotness is an art that needs to be mastered and worked out. Here is how to look hot
- Maintain eye contact: one of those ways you can make yourself hot is always to maintain eye contact with whomever you are with. This will show you as being confident, and people will also see you so. To be hot, you must always be in control.
- Be humorous: people love a good sense of humor, and to be seen as being hot and sexy, you must not be all too serious. You must be able to take things lightly without allowing them to get into your head. You don't need to be witty with words, but being funny and relating to humor will make you appear appealing and sexy.
- Get your wrists displayed: you are not doing this because you feel they are attractive but because it has what is called pheromones. This influences and sparks some feeling of irresistible attraction in others that makes them see you as hot.
- Don't be flashy with your body: to look hot and sexy doesn't translate to showing parts of your body being uncovered. Wearing skin-tight clothes, short-top clothes, bootie shorts may not make you look sexy. It will display you as an attention seeker; by all means, this won't be good for you. If you want to show off your skin as a result of the way it looks, do it in a way that is hot and sexy and not flashy.
- Make your hair looks good: when your hair looks bad, you indirectly feel not okay yourself. It will appear as if people watching you are making a mockery of you. Always look good with your hair; get your hair blown out to make you look breathtaking.
- Do yoga: doing yoga regularly helps your body to get the right posture for hotness.
- Let your brain speaks your hotness: when you have a healthy mind, your body also will benefit from it. Making use of the brain speaks volumes in being hot. You will have to put yourself into some task by engaging in conversation that will put you on your toes. Get to know about things you never know before, explore various subjects through reading, watching documentaries, etc., expanding your horizon. Being able to talk on the different subjects poses your more to be hot.
Looking hot naturally with or without makeup is the key

In looking hot, you can choose to go natural with it, and you can also decide to add some spice to it by using some makeover or makeup that won't look marshy. But it is more beautiful and aesthetic to combine your hotness with your natural look, and you will get people swept off their feet. How can you look hot naturally? There are tips on how to look hot;
- Have and maintain a healthy face: your face mirrors how your soul looks like. The face is almost the first thing that people will take note of before any other part. If you want to look hot, you must pay more attention to it. How will you do this? You will need to eat healthy food and not junk that can cause harm to you. Also, ensure you drink lots of water daily and engage in exercises. In no short time, your face will look healthier and young.
- Always carry a good facial expression: if you have a healthy face without a good and welcoming expression, it will put you off. Your expression will tell if it will be a beautiful or boring one. To look naturally beautiful and charming, you need to wear a smiling face while laughing and let it be wholeheartedly. While having a conversation with someone, stare or wink at them in an acceptable manner. Doing this will make you look prettier and hot.
- Give attention to your clothing and attire: what you put on and how you put it on has a lot to do with how you will be seen. It will tell if you are looking hot or not. You need to be mindful of the type of cloth you put on and not dressing shabbily. In choosing your attire color, go for pastel; it will make you look elegant and bring out the feminine in you. If you don't know how to get on some nice dress and attire, you can simply refer to a fashion magazine or check on some celebrity that has the same body and color as yours. This will give you some idea of the type of attire to put on to look hot.
- Maintain a good poise: one of the attributes that add up to be seen as hot is how you talk, walk, act and behave while amid others or while alone. A hot lady must be able to carry herself with some pride while walking. You must be able to stand tall and look elegant. While talking, it is good for you to put on some smile and don't talk incessantly. Being too chatty makes you look less sexy and admiring.
- Smell nice: this cannot be cut off in appearing hot. Some feminine fragrance on you will speak volumes about your personality. The way you smell adds up to the points of being pretty and hot. Your wonderful fragrance will register itself in others' hearts, which will give you an appraisal of being beautiful and hot.
Looking hot is a welcoming idea for females. Guys are more turned on with ladies that look hot all the time. Not only that, they always want to have them as their lady as it induce some form of pride in them when they walk beside their lady looking blazingly hot and elegant.
When you follow all said to look hot, you will attract men to yourself in a way that they cannot resist. You will also command some respect and honor because you won't be seen as anyhow type of lady or reckless.
Before you can look hot, work on the state of your mind. If you put in all effort to look hot and acceptable without you accepting yourself first, it will become useless. Don't see yourself as imperfect; with everything, believe you are the perfect version and image of a lady. Stay happy and be lively, don't interact with what can embitter you and give you a wrong poise of expression, which will, in turn, make you less attractive and hot. Let everything flow from within you, and your appearance will complement what your mind has nurtured and built on over time.
Don't forget that hotness is not about the physical look and dressing alone; your intelligence and creativity should also be involved not to be taken as a sex object but a virtuous lady.