Hot Off the Press! The Review for Cupid is Here! has many features that contribute to the overall experience when using their platform. Whilst most of the features are only available to those who pay when you are a loyal member, you seem to have everything you could need from a dating site. The features you can expect to see on the free membership are exhaustive. If you pay for the full membership, however, you will also get instant messages, video chat and more access to members profiles!
When you first get onto, just like any other website or dating site, there are a couple of minutes where you must work out where everything is and what is there to use. This, however, passes quickly and the general set-up of the dating is modern and cohesive, making for a positive experience.
There are a plethora of filters that you can apply to the singles you are shown on the homepage, so, whilst there may not be any matching services, you are 100% guaranteed to narrow down the extensive list of singles using the site. Not only this, but the singles are also separated into three sections. You have ‘all members’, ‘online now’ and ‘new messages. So, if you are going on to chat with someone right away, you can go straight to the ‘online now’ section, or if you are bored of the singles on there, you can check out the ‘new members’ section. For a website that doesn’t give you matches but has a lot of singles, you do not actually feel overwhelmed at any point.
One of the many features available to those who use the free version is that you still get notifications when people view your profile, like you or add you to their favourites list. So, whilst you do not get all the perks that come with the full subscription, you can still get an idea of how other members are interacting with your profile. The other benefit of this is that you can see if you are getting enough traffic to your page to warrant going the extra mile to get the full subscription.